The Metadata test suites are located in the category Metadata (Technical Guidance version 1.3).

Version 2.0 of the technical guidance is not yet supported.

To test one or multiple ISO 19115/19119 metadata encoded in XML files, click on the 'use' flip switch on the right-hand side of the Test Suite Conformance class: Metadata for interoperability. Afterwards click on "Start".

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The files can either be uploaded or used remotely by the INSPIRE validator by providing an URL.

The Validator only accepts files with XML and GML file ending and ZIP files containing these two file types. All other files like schema files can not be used and are silently ignored by the Validator.

File upload

If the files are locally stored on your system use the Data source selector in the Configure Test Run dialog and select File Upload.

After clicking on Choose files one or multiple files can be selected. The files are uploaded and the Choose files button becomes inactive. Once the upload finishes, the Start button can be clicked to start the test.

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Further steps are described in the standard manual.

Reference remote files by URL

If the metadata records are available on the web, they can be tested by entering a single URL. Use the Data source selector and select Remote file (URL) in the Configure Test Run dialog.

Then enter the URL to either a XML or ZIP file - or the URL of a query to your discovery service that returns one of these file types.

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If the URL requires authentication, username and password can be provided by clicking on Credentials.

Afterwards start the test by clicking on Start

Further steps are described in the standard manual.